
Comment history with letsTALK


Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 comments

oh my gosh there were like 20 just OUTSIDE of the house -_-

Posted by Peanups on Jul 25, 07 7:29 pm

hmm that stinks :( im guessing you travel a lot over water then.

Posted by Peanups on Jul 11, 07 6:25 pm

i don like traveling on water. i get scared cause i can't swim. but i never have any problems with airplanes...

Posted by letsTALK on Jul 11, 07 6:16 pm

i dont know if i like traveling lol, does anyone?

Posted by Peanups on Jul 11, 07 5:58 pm

ooh, i;m sorry i dunno ^^"
do u travel or do u like to travel?

Posted by letsTALK on Jul 11, 07 5:33 pm

oh lol, no i was asking what type of flowers they are, like daisies, roses or whatever
lol :)
its okay, i want to go buy some for myself ;)

Posted by Peanups on Jul 11, 07 5:20 pm

wait. u want some as in pictures or the actual flowers? sorry if i said something wrong on my comments ^^"

Posted by letsTALK on Jul 11, 07 5:17 pm!!! um, i can give u the picture if u want the pink or the red one?

Posted by letsTALK on Jul 11, 07 5:15 pm

thanks :)

hey do you know the type of flowers you took pictures of are?
i want some :D

Posted by Peanups on Jul 11, 07 5:05 pm

ooo, either way, i love it :]

Posted by letsTALK on Jul 11, 07 4:45 pm

Well the nature pictures are all from me, they might have been taken by someone else in my family, but i just edit out what i dont want and take the portion i think looks best and resize if needed.

yours are beautiful too, i absolutely love the flowers :)

Posted by Peanups on Jul 11, 07 4:41 pm

ur welcome :]

Posted by letsTALK on Jul 11, 07 3:27 pm

thanks for favoriting :D

Posted by Peanups on Jul 11, 07 3:15 pm
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